During this time of uncertainty and heighten level of sanitization, LNDRY has made a commitment to exceed all recommended sanitizing precautions throughout the entire process of laundering your clothes and essentials.
LNDRY is an owned and operated facility with no third party providers, which is both unique to the laundering industry as well as ensures sanitary safety unprecedented. LNDRY’S drivers, technicians, facility operators, and executives will be held to the highest standards.
We have installed a “No Touch Automated Garment Tracking and Assembly” along with our UV-C Technology, ensuring all garments and packaging are sanitized to the highest level.
Our LNDRY drivers are trained and required to follow a strict procedure when either Picking Up or Delivering your items.
LNDRY’S SUPER SANITIZED™ commitment to our clients:
- Upon arriving to work, each employee is ask to verify that neither they nor anyone they have come in contact with have any of the symptoms related to COVID-19 as outlined by the CDC and county health department.
- Upon arriving at work, each employee must submit to a temperature scan prior to entering the building.
- Upon arriving at work, as well as after each break, each employee is required to sanitize their hands.
- At the conclusion of each day, our entire facility and all of our vehicles are completely sanitized utilizing CDC recommended UVC lighting and disinfectant sprays.
- In addition to our limited touch automated assembly and bagging system, each order is treated with UVC lighting upon completion of bagging prior to shipment.
- Each employee is required to wear a mask and gloves when interacting with customers.
- Cleaning and disinfecting surfaces between uses.
- Frequent sanitization of common areas.
A central aspect of household hygiene and bacterial infection is dirty laundry. For the majority of consumers, washing clothes has everything to do with reducing the possibility of infection. The elimination of microbial contaminations from textile is an important aspect of laundering apart from the removal of stains and dirt from used and worn textiles.
But most people now use wash water at much lower temperatures. The average in home-type laundering in the United States is now 125° to 130° F. That is lower than the 160° to 180° used by commercial and institutional laundries and very much lower than boiling (212°).
All garments and items being cleaned in the LNDRY laundering facility, both Dry Cleaning and Laundry, will continue to undergo a steaming process which heats items to between 248°F and 302°F. (According to the CDC, flu viruses are killed by heat above 167°F.)
If you have any questions please feel free to contact us via our chat feature, email, or by phone.