How Often Do Clothes Need to Be Dry Cleaned?
Trust our team of San Diego dry cleaning pros to get your clothes cleaned right, whenever you need them.
If you don’t regularly take your clothes to the dry cleaners (or, even better, have us pick them up for you), you might not be familiar with how often you should be going. Weekly? Monthly? Or would one annual trip with all of your nicest outfits suffice?
We already shared the types of clothes you should (and shouldn’t) have dry cleaned — now it’s time to dig into how often you should have them cleaned.
In this post, we’ll break down the recommended cleaning frequencies for:
- Dresses and skirts
- Shirts and blouses
- Pants and shorts
- Suits
- Ties
- Sweaters
- Bedspreads
- Coats and jackets
- Curtains
Let’s learn more about how often you should have LNDRY dry clean each of these items!
Dresses and skirts
Dresses and skirts will be able to go two to three wears between dry cleanings. Of course, if they’re particularly dirty — if you were sweating a lot, dropped food on them, or got them messy somehow — you should have them dry cleaned at the first opportunity. That same rule goes for every item we’re covering in this post!
Shirts and blouses
Since shirts and blouses are typically a bit less durable than dresses and skirts, we recommend having your favorite ones dry cleaned every one to two wears. This will keep them looking good as new for as long as possible.
Pants and shorts
Of course, you don’t have to have all of your pants or shorts dry cleaned. But if you have a pair that are on the nicer side whose structure you want to preserve, aim to have them dry cleaned every three wears.
Chances are you wear your suits when you want to look good for a special occasion or work function — so be sure to have them dry cleaned regularly to keep them up to snuff! Every two to three wears is a good rule of thumb.
This suit accessory won’t get as dirty as the actual suit itself, so you really only need to have your neckties dry cleaned as needed.
Sweaters are thick enough that they can go a few wears between dry cleaning sessions. They join the “clean every three wears club” as well!
You may not think about washing things like your comforters, duvets, or throw pillows that often. But these need to be dry cleaned as well since our home washing machines usually aren’t up to the task. Have your bedspreads, duvet covers, comforters, and throw pillows dry cleaned once every month.
Coats and Jackets
For frequently worn coats and jackets, it’s a good idea to have them dry cleaned once per season. A smart time to do this is at the end of winter before you store it away for the warmer months.
That’s right, your curtains and drapery need cleaning too! It’s typically recommended to have them cleaned once every one or two years — LNDRY can also handle cleaning these.
If you’re in the San Diego area and ready to experience LNDRY’s hassle-free dry cleaning for yourself, schedule a pickup today! Our pros will get your items fresh and clean while ensuring they’re kept looking their best.
And remember, dry cleaning is not only for fancy items. Regular dry cleaning of your clothes will prolong the life of your items, improve the overall color and softness of your clothes, plus will help your clothes not to shrink while always maintaining its shape. Trust us, if you want to look sharp in your outfits, dry cleaning is the way to go!
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